[ちょっと一息]年末年始に向けて/[Take a break]towards the year-end and New Year holidays

福島精機株式会社 専務 福島知之です。











今朝は、ネスカフェ グスト ドルチェ ローストブレンド味を頂きながら、本ブログを書かせて頂きました。

I would like to comment towards the year-end and New Year holidays.

My name is Tomoyuki Fukushima , and I am  Managing director in FUKUSHIMASEIKI CO., LTD.

December is ahead of the year-end and New Year winter holidays.

As customers’ request, we tend to be asked to adjust the delivery date like

“We want you to deliver until December 28th.”

“We want you to deliver until January 5th

We have to be careful about the delivery date in the case of work that is completed by processing by a polishing subcontractor.

While confirming the year-end and New Year schedule of the polishing subcontractor, we need to coordinate with our customers on a realistic delivery date.

After a period of inactivity like after a long holiday, there can be troubles such as the machine not working well.

We want to work with the intention of completing orders that delivery date are from early January to middle of January.

We would like to work on our daily work with setting priorities centered on our factory manager.

In this morning, I’m blogging with tasting NESCAFE Dolce Gusto (Roast blend).

Thank you.