福島精機株式会社 代表取締役社長 福島知之です。
2025 start.
My name is Tomoyuki Fukushima, and I am Representative Director and President in FUKUSHIMASEIKI CO., LTD.
2025 has finally begun.
Thank you everyone for your continued support this year.
Looking back at 2024, I took over the current position from my father, the current chairman, in June.
Thanks for understanding and support from the current chairman, employees, affiliated companies, and financial institutions, I managed to finish my first year as president and welcome the year 2025.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
From around August, to improve the level of sales and labor management, we were receiving advice from professional consultants.
In this regard, we are gradually seeing results.
In November, our company also exhibited at Amagasaki industrial fair for the first time as our company.
There were many difficulties in preparing the exhibition booth.
On the other hand, we learned a lot more than that.
Therefore, we hope to continue these efforts in the future.
In terms of performance, overall, we can’t say it was a very good year.
However, we acquired several new customers.
So, I think it was a year in which we were able to lay a good foundation for 2025.
Even after 2025, our company will continue to refine our processing know-how accumulated over the years and we will continue to refine our processing using jigs.
And we will do our best to contribute to solve the customer’s problems and activate local manufacturing.
Thank you for your continued support.
Lathe processing of irregularly shaped parts (approximately 280mm in diameter x 320mm in height).
It had a shape where both ends were eccentric.
However, while using a four-jaw chuck, we were able to process it somehow.
Lathe processing of rectangular parts (130mm x 130mm x height 50mm).
We prepared the raw nails which was shaped to be able to chuck square shapes using a machining center.
Lathe processing of a thin ring part (160mm in diameter x 4mm thickness).
The shape is difficult to process with a hydraulic chuck.
However, we have devised a method for fixing items.