[現場]いよいよ2月がスタート/[Production site]Finally February start

福島精機株式会社 代表取締役社長 福島知之です。

Finally, February start.
My name is Tomoyuki Fukushima, and I am Representative Director and President in FUKUSHIMASEIKI CO., LTD.
February work started this week on February 3rd.
Overall order status, although the business situation is not one to be optimistic, thanks to processing requests from customers in various fields, we have busy days.
In November last year, we started doing business with work for a valve manufacturer customer.
For the first their order, we managed to complete most of the deliveries from the end of January to the beginning of February.
There was a lot of eccentric machining processes and it was our first time making a part.
Therefore, it took time to prepare the jigs and tools.
However, we got almost on target.
We will continue to improve our in-house processing level.
And also, we would like to take on the challenge of more difficult machining.
From this February towards the end of the May holidays, it looks like the days will be busy.
We hope everyone in the company to work together and stay healthy.
Thank you.

The pictures show that lathe processing of a thin ring shape (finished approximately φ460xφ400x30mm).
Inner diameter tolerance of this item is 0 to +0.03mm.
Therefore, hydraulic chucks cause distortion.
In this time, we try to fix it so that no force is applied from the radial direction.
Then, we managed this item by lathe processing.

シャフト形状の品物の旋盤加工の様子(材質 SCM415、φ120×300)。
The pictures show that lathe processing of a shaft-shaped item (material SCM415, φ120×300).
Processing before carburizing and quenching is performed using NC lathe.
Both side centering after carburizing and quenching and the outer diameter thread was processed using a general-purpose lathe.

The pictures show that the lathe and machining processing of the item that the grooves on the outer diameter are relatively deep and require eccentric processing (material is iron and approximately φ300mm).
Preparing a lid with a core press, we also devised the machining process and managed to solve the issue.

The pictures show that machining process at multiple locations of the side (material is iron and approximately φ300×320).
We devised a way to set the tailstock lid and processing origin, then we were able to cope somehow.

The pictures show that machining process on the tip of the boot (additional work on commercially available M16 bolt products).
We took measures to prevent damage to the outer diameter of the bolt.