[現場] 若手従業員さんから聞いた加工の面白さ/[Production site]a pleasure of processing I heard from a young employee


福島精機株式会社 専務 福島知之です。





I would like to comment about a pleasure of processing I heard from a young employee.

My name is Tomoyuki Fukushima, and I am Managing director in FUKUSHIMASEIKI CO., LTD.

Yesterday, the young employee handling machining center mainly instructed how to assembly coupling products for new employee who joined to our company last week.

The new employee seemed to enjoy the assembling process.

Sometimes, we have an opportunity to assembly coupling products.

This is one of characteristics in our company that handles single items of high variety and small quantity.

While valuing sales and profits, we would like to try to pursuit rewarding and interesting work.

Thank you.