[現場]現場で働く仲間からの一言/[Production site]A word from a colleague who works in the production site

はじめまして。福島精機株式会社 パート社員の金田です。
扶養内勤務で、週に3日~4日 9:00~16:00で働かせてもらっています。

A word from a colleague who works in the production site.
Nice to meet you.
My name is Kaneda, and I am part-time employee in FUKUSHIMASEIKI CO., LTD.
I am working at this company 3 or 4 days a week for dependents.
I work from 9:00 to 16:00 usually.
Adopted in May 2022 last year, so a year has passed in the blink of an eye.
I  am usually entrusted with many tasks.
Mainly, chamfering work using a drill press and file.
And also, I often prepare for delivery by inspecting and packing.
Occasionally, I am entrusted with remounting items during machining center processing.
I am remounting items while paying attention to whether the fixing of the item is tilted or whether there is not a problem with the tightness.
When I press the start button, my heart throbs.
I am able to work with peace of mind because the work procedures are clearly taught to me.
If there’s something I don’t understand, I’m really asking over and over again.
Thank you for always teaching me kindly and politely.
When I sanding with file, I am working while expanding my imagination such as “it’s like playing the violin!”.
Have fun and keep working hard!
Thank you.